


Hours of Operation


The concept of Neural Manipulation is simple: 

A nerve only functions correctly when it is able to move freely within its surrounding structures.  

In the body, a nerve functions correctly only when it is able to move freely within its surroundings. Nerves can become “fixed”, or dysfunctional, due to many reasons: physical trauma, surgeries, sedentary lifestyle, infections, pollution, bad diet, poor  posture and pregnancy/delivery. When “fixed,” a nerve cannot  glide and/or stretch as we move our body, causing sensitivity, pain, and reduced optimal health. 

Optimal health relies on a harmonious relationship between the different systems of the body – such as the nerves/nervous  system, organs and their support tissues, and other structures.  When nerve fixation occurs in one location, the body is forced to compensate elsewhere. This disharmony creates wider spread restriction, abnormal points of tension, and chronic irritation that over time can add up to functional and structural problems –  musculoskeletal, vascular, nervous, urinary, respiratory and  digestive, to name a few. 

Jenny identifies specific nerve fixations and their global impacts on the body. Through application of the gentle and specific NM techniques, the patient’s body becomes less bound by dysfunctional patterns allowing it to achieve a better state of optimal health.