


Hours of Operation


What happens in a session ?

• A thorough intake and discussion of aims for the appointment

• Assessment of any postural tensions and holding patterns • Subtle yet deliberate movements are used to re-position the  body to naturally release stress and tension patterns • Client remains fully clothed (loose comfortable clothing  recommended) 

• Consultations are 1 hour 

• Self care exercises are usually offered to help re-train the  body in new patterns and to continue releasing holding  patterns 

• As well as addressing symptoms I am also looking at what might be the underlying cause 

It is encouraged to receive two to four sessions initially after which  an on-going programme of self care and/or additional individual  sessions can be developed

How many sessions will I need?

This is a difficult question to answer because everyone is different. However, I suggest a minimum of 2 sessions to see if your body responds to this type of therapy.

For what age is this bodywork appropriate?

Because this work is so non-invasive and gentle, it is appropriate for all ages and sensitivities.

What happens if I need to cancel an appointment?

I request that 24 hours notice is given for cancellation so that I can try to fill the appointment.

What if I am unable to schedule between and 5 pm?

I am available some evenings and the occasional Saturday, it’s best to call me to see what is available.